Creating tiled surface with varied curved pattern types

Firstly my apologies if this has been asked before, Blender is very new to me (as is 3d modelling in general) and I’m struggling to find an answer anywhere. This is likely me not searching with the right terminology to get the right results or just a lack of understanding of the program itself.

I am essentially trying to design a tiled floor that is similar to the reference photo. The majority of the floor consists of plain white tiles, but in some open spaces there is pattern variations (like the ones seen below) made with different tile types and patterns.

Would this be created from a single plane?

I have a single plane that is scaled to fit the entire floor with the white tile texture scaled and mapped to it but i am struggling to understand where to start in implementing the curved and circular alternative tile patterners.

With some “square” sections of the floor where there is a distinct change in pattern i have tried subdivided the plane and used some loop cuts. I have then assigned a new texture to those parts. Its the curved singular tile path type sections that i cant seem to get my head around.

Any help or pointers is greatly appreciated.

Ref fllor 3

You need to use a “mask” to change the texture in the curved bits. A mask is a black and white image that you use as a factor to mix the different patterns. White = 1 black = 0.

Depending on your goal it is sometimes easier to use an image texture as the mask.
Here is an example, in the green frame I make a procedural mask, I use that mask as a factor to mix the different textures of the tiles (the orange and blue frames);

Mask.blend (118.0 KB)

I also mixed in the mortar for the tiles afterwards.


Thankyou so much for your help with this, it really is appreciated and was exactly what i was looking for. I have been searching for the solutional without knowing the correct terminology and running in circles. It was driving me mad!! Thanks again for the detailed explanation and example. :slightly_smiling_face:

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