yeah that would look uber cool…
more updates soon to come.
rated 5 outa 5 =)…any updates ready?
where can i find a tut on eyes?
There’s a whole bunch of them, you just have to sort out all the gory pictures of people actually putting eyeballs in blenders… Anyway, I might put a tut on my site… Because that’s a commonly asked question. Rated 5:5
Cooool, keep up the great work!
Okay, eye tut is on my site.
This is worth 5 stars?
Am i missing the point?
Umm, priorities people.
no its not haha, I didn’t want five stars guys, just something to get peoples attention, like three. any stars do draw people in to the thread
I’m kinda confused that its five stars haha
just a test, I believe that the combination of SSS with colorramp will conclude very realistic results, so I will look into this, I am also going to begin creating a node system similar to Maqs, on his vampire sculpt. (if you havent seen this thing then you’re missing out.
the color ramp is matched with a spec ramp as well
yeah it looks really real =)
r u going to add a nose?
Yeah, I’ll see that in my sleep tonight.
Yeah something about the eyes bothers me to. They are done nicely, but they just don’t seem to fit him. Its just a feeling really.
they are len’s and they are place holders till i finish mine.
yeah… like nick said… u might wana work on the eyes…i like the color…but make them more monstery…
That last image looks a little too pink…kinda like you increased the red channel of a render in an image manipulation program. Other than that, neat head and good materials/textures.
Ooh I missed this one I dig that slimey sllurrrpy version. It looks really cool.