creature WIP

Thought I would have a go at my creature concept, this is what I have done so far…

Sudai :slight_smile:


That is looking pretty good. You can turn on the mirror modifier so every change you make to one side of the mesh is instantly done on the other half. It’s helpful in getting an idea of how your model is shaping up.

haha i saw you again ^^ hey your a lot better than before :eek:

cool rhino o.0

@ Mr. Jameson, thanks

Hi Marwin, yep back from the land of no ploygons and putting in the practice again organics are still a major weakness in my modelling skill set do you know where the easy muscle sculpting button is lol :smiley:

Looking really good. It’ll look even more awesome when it’s finished!

Merry Christmas :smiley:


I had a break from the head and made a start on the upper body , have a good Xmas everyone :smiley:


Here is another update

slowly getting some mass , still more edits to do to the
head and upper body will make the armour plates once i have
the base muscle sturcture finished.

Im doing my modeling with out subsurf as recomended in past
threads and am getting better results. :slight_smile:


Looks like it is going in the right direction!

Robo3Dguy and blenderguy2008 thanks for the feedback

I like this work keep the this up , great technique.

logunwhite321 thanks

real hard making some of the concept transfer over to 3D, rebuilding a motorcycle engine is easier lol

Sudai :slight_smile:


Just another update for the day, still lots of edits to do to the verts and make the spikes before I move on to the next bit. :spin:


changed location of top belly spines done edits to the edge flow still more to do, and need to pull out the back.


Dude keep it up!its wicked great topology from my view

Absolutely! You are doing a great job with the topology! Keep it up Sudai!

yep topology looks really nice. no critics for me, keep it up :wink:

cheers for the feed back , I guess the break away from the computer must have done me some good, slowly getting my old skills back dam its hard, can’t wait for my creature to to waste Gudge (my rig wip) in a test animation looking forward to doing a new rig in 2.5

Sudai :slight_smile:

Finaly felt like trying to do some more work on my creature concept , just a minor update but at least I’m still working on it ha ha :o


Slowly getting the body done


Just about getting the base body mesh sorted, Done a lot of edge flow edits
and had to resort to vertex ripping (the V key) to sort out the join for the
leg and used some 4 vertex Tri’s so still all quads.
I also redone the lower belly section and started shaping the leg, Oh well back to the vertex puzzle :spin:

