creature WIP

There seems to have been a bit of progress, however, it looks like the tongue can stretch like taffy as of now (which might not look good if it ever gets a texture).

Don’t ask me how to get it done, but any tongue movement would be restricted by the movement of the base inside of and in the back of the mouth, the constraints would probably need to be set to reflect this.

Regardless of that, I personally can’t wait to see the rest of him animated, as it looks like you’ve got the basic movement down for the head. (he could use the ability to do more than just make faces :))

Finally got all the shape keys and controls sorted, now Im getting closer to the texture mapping stage :smiley:


I can see how much he likes his face controls, now I await to see him with finished texturing and shading, I bet it will be nice on your end to finally get him done.

Hmmm. He is a strange creature all right. Your making great progress. Nice job. It would be great to see him finished.

Here is the normal map I am going to try and use hopefully it works out ok, used the multires modifier and tried to keep it like a bump map rather than doing a sculpt ( total beginner at sculpting) man it chugged once I got up to level five don’t know why my rig has 8 4ghz cores and 16 gig of ram, (win 7) maybe its limited to video ram ???


THe short legs make it a little cartoonish not too scary I think…

Yeah proportions are out but its close to the concept sketch he’s a bit of a dna crossroad in the evolution of a species… Dino, slug, crab and rino all had there mix in the blend :slight_smile:

I thought the multires modifier had an option to save the levels to disk and as a result make it much faster.

I recall Brecht coding such a feature for the Sintel project, it basically does something dealing with the loading and handling of multires patches to make the sculpting speed a lot faster (but do note that it will not decrease the memory usage when rendering),

Maybe thats what the save external option is for :o will give it a go cheers ace dragon, I done a test bake and noticed it was using available ram resources ok but checked cpu usage and it was only getting to 12% anyone know if this is normal ? I would have thought blender would use the cpus to the max to get it processed as soon as possible.

Long time no blend so dusting of my arch nemesis , I have recently been reading the blender game engine book by Dalai Felinto and Mike pan ( well worth the coin and great for people with limited net access ) I will be putting Kragnour into his own environment so I have redone the uv map (less streching) and worked on a new walk still haven’t textured him yet, but my understanding of the animation process and tools is improving.

Next mission will be Idle animations

It is wonderful creation. Keep it continue.

Thanks, I will definatly see it through to the end , kragnour has been a good blender learning curve, so many areas to learn but good for the skill set.

Here is my third go at trying to get kragnour looking better than default grey :smiley: The book on the game engine recommended DDS files so I done some testing to see what would be best for my character.

Now I can focus on improving and building the animations for the BGE still unsure on the best way to animate the rear section of Krag as it is more of a body mass than a tail, but I will be down loading dino vids to help me try and figure it out. any links to possible good tips are more than welcome.

Kragnour eeeeeeeeeat!

I put together a preview of Krag with his new paint job, I am still working on the walk cycle. Krags right foot and tail animation are my main focus at this stage, a year of animation study at a good tech in Wellington would be good hopefully one day :yes:

The video edit was done in blender VSE and I am also having a go with NLA strips and trying to get Krags textures to cycles so tons to do :smiley:

I am Having another go with the sculpt tools this time making Kragnour some where to hang out once I have finished wiring him up for the game engine, quite a few hitting the brick wall moments on this project but you get that when you dive into the deep end. :yes:

cool man. glad to see you are back to working on this.

I Wired up the walk so took Kragnour for a test walk around the (wip) landscape

Some actions tests in Blenders NLA Editor , Animation is hard … but gradually making progress

I was trying to remember driven bones settings the other day so made a note for future projects…