Creed Perfume - The House of Creed

Creed Perfume - The House of Creed

Trying out ‘Gobo’ light effects and projecting textures from lights.

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i love your artwork

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Gorgeous result!

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nice work.:+1::+1:
Can I ask how you got this lighting?

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Stunning work once again. :clap:

:heart: Thank you very much, always appreciated!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

@Stefan.Radenkovic Thank you very much! :heart:

Thanks. Lighting is pretty simple, its just a texture projected from an area light.

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thank you. i’ll try this :slight_smile:

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Not a problem! :+1:

:heart_eyes: I like it

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@KB_studio Thank you very much! :heart:

As always if anyone has any questions please dont hesitate to ask and I’ll try to answer.

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