The test has now officially begun. You can start breaking real stuff now.
Windows - 12 mb rar
If you have downloaded the client previously, this is a brand new version and you shouldn’t overwrite any old files.
If you get a gray screen when you run any of the cdo.bat files, please post the contents of dat/stderr and I will do my best to figure out why it’s not working.
Linux - 13 mb .tar.bz2
Run “cdo” which is the main executable file.
If you get errors it could be because pygame isn’t liking your sound card. Open settings.ini and under the [client] section, set musicvolume=0 and soundvolume=0.
i have to admit guys, saluk has been the trooper in this round. He has been working his butt off and if I had worked as hard as him the game would be looking a lot better. I apologize. I hope you guys like my music, sfx, and temporary graphics
i have the same con’t find errors but i dont have any problem with my firewall i just click allow nice so far with the animations and stuff but i think you should make the cursor move faster
I have Python 2.4, and it works fine, so I don’t believe that’s the problem (though I do have 2.3 as well). I only get a message about smpeg.dll when I close the program, though.
I did a quick google search for smpeg, and its a free download (cant remember link, just google it). Its also Open Source, so you guys should be able to add it to the CDO distribution without any worries.
@Saluk, I have a server if you’d like me to host the setup file, distract some bandwidth from your test server? Just say the word and I can upload the build linked in this thread straight away.
EDIT: PS. I’ll do a direct link, dont worry I’m not trying some pay-per-click scam here, just want to help you guys get this project going any way I can!
Those errors probably won’t affect the game working, it’s just a few of the dependancies that for some reason need dlls even when you don’t use the features in them I provided a patch file in the top post for everyone who downloaded the error version, so please download it. I also updated the main zip, so if you haven’t downloaded the game yet, you can get the full download and not worry about the patch. I also have provided the linux version to download, it will definately require python to be installed, but shouldn’t need the other dependancies.
MeiaLua: I wouldn’t mind at all if you could mirror the links, I actually was going to ask people to mirror them today. I was also planning on putting up a torrent a little later, if anyone wants to beat me to it be my guest. Make sure that if you do host a mirror or put up a torrent, you use this latest archive rather than the one I posted last night that had the errors.
My hope is to get the server finished and updated by the end of the day, so everyone can play
braveheart - are you running windows xp? I haven’t tested on any other versions of windows besides xp, and I expect there will be problems. Either way, see if it works now with the updated archive.