Hello, my name is André, I would like to receive criticism from you about my senario and characters that I made in blender. The story of the image is this.
In the world where humanity caused its own extinction, new predators on top of the food chain, the Rex shark, a predator that destroys everything where it passes, at this very moment it killed a whale on the beach, after a hunt. Planet Earth is no longer the same without humans, where now, more than ever, the strongest wins.
This is the story of my image in the blender, criticism is welcome.
I do have some things to point out that could improve it.
I have a hard time telling the scale of the scene. When comparing the creatures with the rocks and the plants, it looks like they are pretty small, like the Shark rex is about 1 meter tall at most. Is this intentional?
The wood in the background should have it’s texture adjusted so the wood fibers go in the direction of each plank.
The lighting, the background and the camera angle make the Shark rex blend in and slightly difficult to see. This isn’t helped by the fact that it’s the same color as the plants behind it.
I think the Shark rex could benefit from using some reference images, right now it looks like you largely improvised it from memory and it lacks detail as a result. Find some images of actual sharks and dinosaurs. look at their anatomy, how is each part made? What are the shapes and proportions, how are the muscles placed? Are there color patterns (ex. sharks tend to have lighter colors on their underside), or different types of scales? One exemple I can give immediately is the tail. A shark’s tail has a very specific shape.
I will improve the lighting, the size of my dinosaur, the texture of the wood and while my character’s sculpture, I am learning how to do it, unfortunately. In a few days I will send you the scenery with these 3 mistakes. And the material of my dinosaur I will improve, thanks.
I like the new texture, the shark aspect of the creature is now much more visible, good job! I like that you added some scars too.
I think the way you mixed the water surface with the rock ground is a nice idea. It makes the scene really look like an ocean shore and the reflections this adds make the lighting more interesting.
making rocks is something you would think is easy, but getting them truly realistic is a big challenge. I think the material is pretty nice, but maybe the boulders could have more varied sizes and shapes? Anyway I think you are on the right path.
By the way, did you have some trouble compositing the scene? I can see a slight outline around the objects.