Hi, it’s too early for me to be messing with scripts but i couldn’t resist exploring what is to me, the magic-like possibilities. I have copy-pasted the above scripts in a text editor, saved them as Cross_Section.py and Quantities_Bill.py respectively and moved them to the blender scripts folder. After “Update Menus”, i am getting both scripts in the Scripts>>Objects menu. However, when trying to apply cross section i get “Fill Closed shapes?” and when i click on “Yes”, nothing happens.
In case of Quantities Bill i simply get “Python script error: check console”
What am i doing wrong? And how do i ‘check console’, i am running a Linux Mint OS.
Thanks, this is the error message in the console: “sade@sade-desktop ~ $ blender
Compiled with Python version 2.5.4.
Checking for installed Python… got it!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<string>”, line 1, in <module>
File “/home/sade/.blender/scripts/Quantities_Bill.py”, line 204
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character ‘\xc2’ in file /home/sade/.blender/scripts/Quantities_Bill.py on line 204, but no encoding declared; seehttp://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for details”
I visited the link but the information there was more than i could grasp.
Well, i couldn’t point that out exactly either, (i mean erase what exactly, and replace it with what?), so i deleted the Quantities Bill script, and reinstalled it from here: http://yorik.orgfree.com/scripts/quantitiesbill.py . This time i got the script in the Scripts>>Render menu instead of the Scripts>>Object menu (why?), nothing happens when i try to apply it, and in the console this: Quantity Bill Script