CryEngine 3 - just for thinking

Like title says, just watch and think about realtime graphics.

always keep in mind that the crytek has optimised the cryengine to always work best for the style needed in crysis. It’s rather hard to create anything good looking which doesn’t have this “Crysis” style to it. Nevertheless, I agree that such a thing would be awesome in blender,especially for animation. Whyt not implement the the cryengine directly into blender? That would be awesome, to just create a scene in blnder and then play it within the 3D view while actually running the cryengine 3 in the background… well, leave me to my wishful thinking :smiley:

Good god

Realtime graphics are getting incredibly sophisticated. They have been for a while, but this is getting close to cinema quality. I would love to see some of these features in blender, particularly adaptive tessellation. Imagine showing this to someone 10 years ago. Maybe even 5. I for one, know that I would have been absolutely amazed.

The guys and gals that design and program software like this are amazing. A lot of dedication to their passion.

always keep in mind that the crytek has optimised the cryengine to always work best for the style needed in crysis. It’s rather hard to create anything good looking which doesn’t have this “Crysis” style to it

Crysis was made to help develop and showcase cryENGINE, which itself is made to stand alone as a versatile solution for many different high-end game developers.

That is rather like saying “It’s hard to create anything in Blender which doesn’t have a ‘Sintel’ style to it.”

Nice, but i can assure you, i work with artist here in real tieme graphics and i can tell you, is a lot of work to make a OpenGL/Direct3D render looks good, lots of bake, env mapping, shadow tweaking, lamps/light mapping rigging, trick here and there, etc… And i am talking about using lastest engines like UDK3 or Unity3D, compared with the workflow and results of an offline interactive physical based render , i prefer the offline renders by far.

What you see in that CryEngine video is mostly a display of Artist skills rather than a tool that make you easy get that results.
I wonder what blender foundation could do if we have the budget and the amount of developers that those CryEngine guys have.

Although real time and offline renders have different approach in order to achieve seep or quality, i can see how real time and offline renders will cross paths in the future, you will be able to use your render of choice to render movies or real time games.
The computer speed will be so huge that You won’t need a razteriser that renders at 10000 fps, better run a path tracer at 60fps.

Like John Carmack said “Eventually ray tracing will win”:

Now we could think that future is far away, but again, computer speed progress simply challenge our ability to predict:

2x GTX 580 with OTOY’s Brigade render game engine:

With real time physics:

Brigade 2 renders at some absolutely mind-boggling speeds. And it manages to get an implementation of bi-directional path tracing working on the GPU. I’d love to see a game use it at some point in the future.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t Brigade2 Jacco Bikker’s babe, who just happens to work for OTOY?
People who frequented (what happened to it anyways?) or ever did anything with raytracing code should know him.

BTW, you can download Brigade2 here from his page, including the complete sourcecode:

Updated: Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
Latest version of the Brigade 2 engine: click to download the package.
Libraries, headers and examples which allow you to build your own projects using Brigade 2.

BTW, you can download Brigade2 here from his page, including the complete sourcecode:

The source code is only for the demo applications, not the engine itself. But even if it was open-source, you probably couldn’t understand it, because Jakko Bikker prefers fast code to comprehensible code :wink:

@Agus3D Artistic skills is always required to make something beautifull, but your toolset is also pretty important. The more options you have, the more you can do. Ofcourse you also need to know what you’re doing.

Concerning realtime graphics in blender. I can well imagine blender being given a automated baking and building tool that would allow us to easily bake certain textures of our own choosing or to build meshes into chuncks that are easy to handle for a realtime environment. You know? Similar to how level editor tools like the Unreal Level Editor & Hammer work these days.
I do know that there is the blender game engine, but I don’t think that it is quiete up to snuff.

Speaking of realtime 3D and graphics. What blender COULD use is a DirectX preview, completely integrated with custom shaders.
I would love to be able to create hlsl shaders using blender’s node system AND previewing them in the viewport. It is a feature that would really broaden the scope of people interested in blender. I also think that as it is right now we can achieve more using directX than openGL when it comes to realtime rendering, game engines are a testament to that.

What blender COULD use is a DirectX preview, completely integrated with custom shaders.

The list of things that blender could use is very long. I don’t think there is a chance that DirectX integration will ever become part of official blender, but if anyone really needs it, they can hack it.

I also think that as it is right now we can achieve more using directX than openGL when it comes to realtime rendering, game engines are a testament to that.

I can’t think of anything that you can do in Direct3D(11) that couldn’t be done in OpenGL(4). The renderer is only a small part of a game engine, and the 3D API is largerly interchangeable. All larger game engines need to target both OpenGL and D3D anyway.

And Linux?
Use OpenGL instead as they do and all platforms are supported. I don’t know about OpenGL vs DirectX now but time ago OpenGL was always better. I would believe it is the same today. The problem is, I think I have heard that, that Blender is using old OpenGL code (so old cards continue to work in blender) but a revamp of OpenGL code is in the TODO list of some developper.

EDIT: A comparison [OpenGL versus DirectX](

@arexma The new ompf can be found here

@Zalamander amen, Bikker’s code gives me a headache.

I’d like to kindly disagree. I’ve been using the cryengine for a short amount of time only (since the start of their public editor) but so far I have found it very hard to do certain things like change the look of water caustics for example.
It’s more of something like: it’s hard to render something in BI and not see it’s BI compared to a Cycles one… although this too is probably a bad example since of course game engines just have to have a lot more premade/precoded stuff than long-time renderers.

I hope that made a bit more sense :slight_smile:

How is their realtime cinema tech coming along?

cryengine is good, BGE is bad

we need cryengine features

when we have cryengine features we can make crysis quality games with BGE at home!!! wow!

That is why it is called cryengine: because we don’t have it and we cry.

Unity 3D, UDK, CryEngine SDK…
You can make crysis quality games at home but I guess BGE will never can. The game engine is just a small part of Blender and major changes are to expensive and time consuming :wink:

yeah… Blender should remove support for OpenGL and start supporting DirectX and CryEngine… proprietary software is the only way to get professional results :stuck_out_tongue:

You both just stepped in to a troll trap!

It’s still something nice to dream about though.
Concerning games development blender will always be a good middle step for me to create models & export them for those platforms.
If there is no fancy preview then it’s too bad but it’s not the end of the world.