Cryptomatte to pick Materials in AE

Hey there,

Im used to create material mattes in Redshift for AE.
I want to try this in blender as well. I found a way to render cryptomattes, but i cant export them as im used to do. If i just give the cryptomatte to a file output node, it looks weird. if i pipe it through a cryptomatte node, select a material to isolate it and then output it, it kinda works, but i have to do this for every single object alone and that’s not the solution.

I found some old threads (around 2020) handling this topic and people said the solution was not to use the file output node (but didnt provide the solution what to do instead).
Does blender have in the meantime got a material matte which just gives out an exr with all the data i can then later use in After Effects?

Any ideas what im doing wrong and what im supposed to do? Sorry if i missed something. Due to my recent job i stuck to cinema for almost two years and missed alot of development in blender.

Okay as always, i little bit later i found something new. if i pipe the pick-output into the file output, i get (at least in DJV) the correct output (even though motionblur seems lacking or denoise missing). Yet i cant pick the materials in AE as it says that there is no cryptomatte data.

See the video (with Addon+Plugin)

I think you need to export cryptomattes to a openEXR multilayer :

Then in after you should be able to load that and use the cryptomatte filter…

That’s what they do at work but I don’t use AE so there might be more to it…


Not a big fan of addons tbh. Im gonna try it anyways when i dont find another solution.

Hm…i tried that, but maybe i missed something. im gonna try this. Thanks :slight_smile:

The export of Cryptomatte from blender can be saved as EXR, but the use of Cryptomatte in AE is known to have a filter that can use Cryptomatte from the 2020 version.

If you are using an earlier version, you will need to install the plug-in. :thinking:

I use the current version of AE.

This actually works! But it looks as the naming in the Input-Parameters of the output node is important. If i keep the names exactly as in the picture, it works. didnt think it’s that important. Works perfectly fine in AE without any plugins or whatever. Thanks alot!

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