CUBE WARS -línea de guerra(online war)

HellooooOOOOOooooo blender artists here is a WIP of my newest edition to the “CUBE WARS” family, I am proud to announce the beginning of CUBE WARS-linea de guerra(online combat)

This is basically a multiplayer, player VS player game, currently there is only a laser for weapons. but i am hoping to include:
X - Laser
X - Flamethrower
X - Rockets
O - Sniper Rifles
O - Grenades
O - Land Mines
O - Shotguns
O - Time Bombs.
O - Grappling hook - kaet

Im hoping to get dynamic networking working but as of now it only works peer to peer.

heres some game engine screen shots of the game so far(note this game is not in GLSL so it is available for most systems)


With a name like Cube Wars, I think it would be really cool to get more of a voxel look to the environment.

You should have a grappling hook that you can fire at anything and it will stick to it. Then you would be able to reel it in and so you could climb things. Of course, it would probably be very hard, particularly making a thread from the gun or wrist to the hook.

@kaet i could use the draw line function, it may not be flexable but at least it gives a visual, i really like your idea.

I have recently added a flame thrower to the options of weapons, as well as worked on the pillars of fire.

Thanks! I don’t know, maybe a long mesh thing could be used with lots of segments and an armature…?

You can make a drawline curve.
Also, kendrick, i will help you make it dynamic.

@agoose77 Thank you very much!!
As far as the grappling hook goes, i think i will try the drawline and drawline curve and see how it looks, then i may try a few other things.
This following week i would like to at least get my full list of weapons in the game.
I may only have about an hour a day to work on this but i think i can pull it off :smiley:

Thanks again agoose

but its not shooting yet.

@agoose77 - how would you suggest doing shooting through a network, the way im doing it right now seems sloppy.

Also Im going to be redoing the logic of the player to make it easier to make changes, because the way i had it before i would need to manually make the changes to the client and the server, but now im going to merge them both into the same one and basically change what python script they run based on a property. so if i want to change the geometry, or something with programming, then i only need to do it once.

Hmm. Shooting’s quite a hard topic.
To be honest, you’re best off managing player health server side.
Then, you can send a message to the server saying:
[Hit Player x, random number]
The random number is generated only once, but the message is sent more than once, to guarantee the server gets it
the server removes x health from player x, and saves the random number as last used. Then, it receives the next message and checks to see if the number is the same as the last saved - if so, it doesn’t remove the health.

Umm, I don’t know about you. . . But I would get Debut screen recorder and make a youtube video. DO IT.

i have camstudio