Curvature Map Baking Issues in Substance Painter

Hello everyone,

I’m facing persistent problems with curvature map baking in Substance Painter, as illustrated in the attached image.

I’m dealing with areas where the curvature map is not being applied, making manual painting impractical for complex models. Are there any external methods or tools beyond Substance Painter that could help improve curvature map baking?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried adjusting the sample radius setting in the bake panel? This can add or reduce the amount or curvature


Pointiness of the “Geometry” node in shader-editor in blender can do that.

tip: sometimes adding support edges will help the algorithm figure things out better (not just for blender, maybe substance too)
you look at the surface and think it’s obvious. the algorithm is looking at topology (vertices, faces and their normals) and less topology will make the algorithm miss the edges.

example same object and same material, the one on the right is subdivided.

so you can work on a duplicate that you add edges subdivide. you get better results. bake the map and go use it in the original (same UVs)

hope it helps

Painters mesh baking is usually pretty good. If it shows up any problems, then in my experience so far, it more likely means there’s issues with the mesh in Blender.

Couple of things come to mind, first check and unify all normals. Make sure all vertices that are sitting on top of each other and should be one continuous mesh are welded together.

Always export out a high-resolution mesh to Painter (as in, apply subdiv, etc) and you may need to add some more support loops.