Curve Position Type Thing

I’ve generated a curve on a mesh and I want to make the instances shrink the further down the curve it goes.

Unfortunately, I don’t know any nodes that sample the distance from a start point on a curve. Are there any work arounds to accomplishing this, or is there a better way to go about making my instances shrink as they reach the pointier part of the tip of this mesh?

might not be what you’re looking for but you could sample the the factor or the length of the curve -


What’s wrong with all the previous answers you were given?


I don’t think I understood what canerasin wrote because when I attempted messing around with nodes based off of those ideas, it didn’t work. Most likely, I completely misunderstood what they meant and used some unrelated nodes. I also didn’t actually take a look at the file they provided because that was when I gave up and decided to first focus on getting the instances rotated the right way and only now am seeing it.

As for your answer to the Pointing Up a Mesh topic (thank you for your help, by the way), it seemed to be about alignment instead of distance. I didn’t realize it was related to dealing with scale.

Oh, the second geo node tree worked. Now I’m gonna go ask them how it works.