Curve profile twisting weirdly

I’ve got a strange issue with a simple curve that I created by converting from mesh edge. When I move one of the ends just a little, the profile (bevel) twists weirdly and doesn’t keep constant width, as I’d want. Also, the caps are no longer perpendicular to the curve segment.
How do I fix this?



I think it’s best to just open the model and test it in edit mode:
CURVE ISSUE.blend (803.5 KB)

That’s because it has non-uniform scale - the whole thing is stretched on one axis, but it’s not obvious until you move it:


In Object Mode: you can go to Object > Apply > Scale (or Ctrl + A > Scale). It will change curve radius though.
Or you can clear the scale (Alt + S) and adjust the curve.


Right, I too often forget about applying scale and mess everything up :smiley:
Thank you, StrayBillie.
I’m just wondering if it’s possible to perfectly (and easily) reproduce my curve’s original width, without the need to clear the scale. In this case, it’s not too hard to duplicate the curve object, clear its scale and move the two verts back to their original position, but with more complex curves that would be hard. I can instead apply scale and then use ALT+S in edit mode to shrink / fatten vertices, but there’s no reference to that and snapping doesn’t work with curves. I mean, I can do it more-less by sight, but I’ll never be able to get back the perfect 5 cm profile that I had initially set up. I think shrink / fatten should work like a factor and each vertex should have a factor of 1 attributed by default, so you could restore that original factor at any time. But I don’t think it works like that.

In the same area where you could see the object scale, in Edit Mode there’s a curve Radius.
When you select more than one point it turns to Mean Radius.
Select all the points with A and just enter “1” into the field. Confirm. Since all the points have equal radius, it should just set them all to 1.

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Wow, this is genius!
Thanks again, you’re saving me.

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