Curve to Chain-link Fence (Geometry Nodes)

More threads here should have looping dancing sheep animations :laughing:


Turns out setting up materials and Node-Groups on a new object is a pain (lots of attributes), so to make it easier for the user I’m thinking of packaging it as a ready-to-go curve asset (demoing using it in conjunction with a shrink-wrap to match uneven terrain):

… good enough or plug-in needed?


Sorry, just echoing the first post so forum timing updates…

Its out on gumroad finally. Obligatory “feature” vid:

@homiegmomma … when (Sorry it took so long, and I’m sure fixes will still be required.).


It’s perfect ! a plugin is a bit too much for one asset IMO.
Like that it can integrate into user’s collection easily, it’s way simpler and better !

Once again, very awesome asset and super polished piece of work !


Totally agree, great node network! … But i miss the sheeps! :wink:


Just grabbed a copy. Fantastic asset!
I’d love to see variable knuckled and twisted selvages.

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Thanks for your support!

I had to cut back on a lot of features because things were getting messy and each new feature took exponentially longer to implement and I felt that I’ve spent too much time on it and judged that what I had already may be useful “as is” to someone. I’m hoping that I can clean things up with named attributes in Blender 3.2.

Things that didn’t make it into the release that I hoped to implement were various wire gauges (this only 1/2 works if you dig around internally), a “ridged” option with variable support bars, tilt-noise, and selvages.

I will work toward implementing those features depending on how the 3.2 “port” goes, but can’t really promise anything at this point.

@moshus, Thanks! The sheep model is a messy multirez sculpt on a meta-ball base and is only detailed enough for mid-ground or back-ground purposes.

The original metaball block-out:

I’ll see if I can put a baked version on Sketchfab for you.


Haha…Nevermind the sheeps (Already regretting again … poor little sheeps)

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Thought that may be the case. It’s definitely useful as is.
Good luck with the port!

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Congratulations, this work has been nominated for the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2022’ award in the #geometry-nodes category! You can vote for it here.

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Hey, just found this stalking you on GumRoad, I’ve been using the free Fence Generator from Japan so far, plus the BagaPie fences, but the usability of the former isn’t great (lots of guesswork on the wire mesh parameters), so I’m hoping this will turn out to be a beautiful child :heart_eyes:

My comments (maybe included in your Todos anyway, but here I go):

  • Caps for the poles, Chrome, black plastic, (can set that material myself, of course)
  • sometimes. the poles have a straight and a diagonal stretcher pole in between, fixed to the main pole with a clamp and a bolt. Not necessary either, depending on how far you want to take this :smiley:
  • addon: YES
  • 10-15 bucks: YES

20 bucks? I have, so far, purchased every possible fence generator tool, still I can’t get any to do the much demanded Rigid Panel Fence. Yes, I got the asset, yes, I can put on an array and manually alter/delete superfluous geometry. None of my clients ever wants a wooden picket fence, a stone wall or anything like that. Man, this is a drag, so I came back here and searched for your post.
25 bucks?

Real world applications would be much simpler imo than generating limitless fantasy fences with GeoNodes. In Archviz, 95% of the time we don’t need artfully textured old wood, rusted metal, broken tiles, cracked asphalt or wilted plants - yet most things are geared for precisely that, understandibly, for its soul. Also, a simple, but decent chain link fence generator would be great, as stated previously. There’s a million assets - with barb wire, razor wire, rust, and just one generator that produces very primitive results.

All right, I’ll go propose this to @stephen_leger as well for integration into the mighty Archipack. Those things are merely a blink to the viewer, but as soon as I have to invest 20 minutes to piece together a decent fence, I’d rather say 30 bucks and have 2 more renders done in that time! And having to go append a generator file is a drag, too - I’d really, really appreciate an addon. I need to work, and spending money on hiring freelancers to perform simple tasks that just DRAG is good for them, not for me :joy:

I don’t understand this post. I’ve offered my Chain-Link fence generator for $5 and I’ve made $60 (correction)… Its a failed project with practically no market value. What do you want from me?

Damn. I’m really sorry to read that. In that case, I don’t want anything from you - not worth the effort!

I didn’t even realize this had been released, just scraped the link from this thread and tried to purchase, but just getting card/reCaptcha errors. Paypal isn’t available. I’ll try again later, so you at least get another ridiculous 5 bucks out of this :anguished:

Sorry, do you feel $5 is too much? I’m so confused.

No, I think this is way too little. I know the international market is difficult, but 5 bucks is VERY little. Obviously too much for some.

I’ve made it free…

Spent a lot of time and effort on this and considering how little it made I see no point in charging for it as I have no incentive to support it going forward.

The project is basically dead at this point.


But I wanted to pay - I would have paid triple. Even if you don’t want to move forward. I see no point in freeloading. It’s bad enough it was such a bummer for you!

Hopefully it gets some use this way.


I just posted it to the Archipack channel where someone else was looking for something like this. Before you set it to “free”.
I was hoping this would catch on, but well, so were you

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