Curved wall with sloping top - How to Model?

Hi Remade,

Could you explain/demonstrate how you would use the screw modifier to get the same result as I have?

I’ve not used it before so had to read up on it. It sounded promising but my tests show that its not the solution but I’m interested your viewpoint and what results you have.

i am attaching blend files showing two methods -one screw mod and another using array and empty(for object offset)
curvedwall.blend (469.0 KB)

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I looked at your file and the segmented curve looks correct and though its not a complete solution, it will get me a large part of the way. The end vertices of the curve section of the overall wall have a Z height which are unknown and lie somewhere within the range of the top and bottom Z-value’s of the wall’s ends. These therefore need to be calculated manually first but once that has been done, I would agree the screw modifier looks like it will do the job to generate most of the wall.

Thanks for the good suggestion, :+1: