Curves don't align or bend on mesh loop but works on Bezier curve

Hi all,

I’m trying to create a basic ‘stitches’ geometry node setup from a couple of hacked together posts on reddit and a lot of guess work (I really have no idea what I’m doing with geometry nodes).

Anyway, I’ve sort of got it to half work.

If I apply the setup to a Bezier curve you can see I more or less get the result I wanted.

However, if I apply a minor modified setup (one that takes a vertex group as an edge loop to act as the curve), all I get are a bunch of straight lines at all sort of angles.

I guess not all curves are created equal, but I’ve got no idea how to fix it.

Here’s the blend file:
stiches1.blend (1.1 MB)

Its because Stitch Length was set to 0.
To alight it to mesh normals here is setup


Thx, that seems to have sorted out the alignment, so that’s all good.

But for some reason, for me Stitch Length isn’t producing the result you are showing.

In fact, unlike with the Bezier curve, it doesn’t matter what I set the length to, it has no affect at all.

This is with Blender 3.4.1, possible you are using 3.5 and something changed?

So I seem to have partly found what’s causing my issue, its the Randomize Thread Length group.

If I disconnect that, then I get stitches as expected (just not random variation), with it connected I just get lines. This seems to only apply to a mesh selection via vertex group, on the Bezier curve it works just fine.

Never mind, I adjusted a couple of nodes and think I have it all sorted out. Cheers.

Bit of a second question on this. Is it possible to get the same result without realizing the instances?

I tried playing around with it a bit, but without realizing instances, the curve that makes up each stitch just remains flat and loses all shape to it.

I mean it works as it is, but of course the vertex/face count really goes up as each stitch basically becomes an object, rather then making one stitch an object and then instancing that all around.