I’m trying to create a basic ‘stitches’ geometry node setup from a couple of hacked together posts on reddit and a lot of guess work (I really have no idea what I’m doing with geometry nodes).
If I apply the setup to a Bezier curve you can see I more or less get the result I wanted.
However, if I apply a minor modified setup (one that takes a vertex group as an edge loop to act as the curve), all I get are a bunch of straight lines at all sort of angles.
I guess not all curves are created equal, but I’ve got no idea how to fix it.
So I seem to have partly found what’s causing my issue, its the Randomize Thread Length group.
If I disconnect that, then I get stitches as expected (just not random variation), with it connected I just get lines. This seems to only apply to a mesh selection via vertex group, on the Bezier curve it works just fine.
Bit of a second question on this. Is it possible to get the same result without realizing the instances?
I tried playing around with it a bit, but without realizing instances, the curve that makes up each stitch just remains flat and loses all shape to it.
I mean it works as it is, but of course the vertex/face count really goes up as each stitch basically becomes an object, rather then making one stitch an object and then instancing that all around.