Dear Guys,
Sorry for bothering.
I an trying to model a solid, using curves and the taper/bevel objects. I am able to obtain solids like the last picture.
Too bad, I’m not able to model a solid that looks like the second and the first pictures:
to change exclusively the width of the section along the path (I can only scale the section with the same factor on both axis, using the TAPER object)
to twist the section along the path.
Clearly, I realized the first two examples using normal shapes, just to explain the result I wish to obtain using curves/nurbs.
hi, the first one could be done tilting the curve points, select a point and press ctrl+T then drag or enter a value… the other one i don’t think you can do it with a taper, why not draw the shape and add z extrusion to curve…?
Dear Liero,
Thank you! I succeeded to make the first object (Ctrl-T). I didn’t know that option!
The other one… I didn’t understand your explanation, too bad. Can you tell me more about how to do? Is it still using curves/paths/nurbs, or meshes (cubes, cylinders…)? I can’t use them…