Custom HD Springer Softail

Hello everyone!
Been working on this for quite a while now, now I’ve done enough progress to show something. This is based on real motorcycle that I casually stumbled upon. I’m more of a superbike guy, but this thing was so stunningly awesome that I had to ask the owner if I could take a ton of pictures and try to model it.

By the way, this is basically done by photo reference. I only managed to find chassis blueprints, and that gave me a right proportion base to build along the rest. I tried my best to match the real bike but something might still be off!

Thanks for any feedback!

This is a vintage Pyrene extinguisher installed on the side. I’ll have a greeeeat time texturing this…

Handlebar and brake lever assembly. This was quite a pain in the a$$ to model.

Pretty happy with the tank. Shrinkwrap done his magic on the side crest.

Say hello to Eddie!

Rear End, with wrapped exhaust pipes. Hope you like skulls, 'cause this thing has plenty!

Some earlier shots:


Gorgeous Work !!!

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Stunning, wow

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thanks a lot!!!

Some quick update, got some progress with front & rear brakes!


Can’t wait to see it finished and textured