Custom Properties Acrossed Linked Files

Hi all,

I’ve been creating vegetation assets and I’m using some Alpha Transparency for some of the leaves.

I’ve created a simple node group to make clay renders while having the option to keep the transparency and bump of the original material (using a material override can’t do that).

I simply put it before the outputs of my materials and wire up the alpha and normal information.

Here comes the fun part: I’ve put the nodegroup in my asset library, that I link in every asset file and use. I then link the asset files in my scene file.
How can I go about switching the Clay and Bump properties of the node group across all linked files ? My idea with making the node group was that it would avoid having to add a custom property to each asset object and having to drive those with a custom property in the scene file.

Also not sure is that is the best approach, if someone more experienced knows of a better way please let me know !



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Well driver might be the simplest way especially if you don’t have a lot of them to setup.

It can be an opportunity to look into python, as it looks the best way to do it.
And it seems a good script to get started. You don’t even need to look into UI or stuff like that,
when you want to do the switch you run the script in the text editor…

Obviously, looking into python will slow you down now but it’s always helpful in the long run !

Have fun !

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