Cut a cylinder shaped hole into the mesh without messing up the whole topology?

I’ve been suffering with this for quite a while now. If I use the Boolean modifier, the mesh around the gets messy. If I try and cut the hole myself then reposition the vertices the outcome is even worse. Until the model is in flat shading its hard to see but after I make it use smooth shading it gets all retarded.

with boolean you have to increase the verts count
then you can correct it manually but not easy

follow the boolean constraints as indicated on wiki page and it should work fine
verts shoud end up where they are
at least much better then the older vesion of boolean

unless you need this for animation you can keep the tri’s !
then you nmay have to correct tris’

show us what you get

happy blendering

I increased the verts count but it still looks pretty disgusting.

Got any pics of the problem?

apart of the resrictions as shown in wiki notes
i mean it should work fine

upload pics and if you can a sample file
so we can test it

happy blendering

Booleans nearly always give messy results. If you are trying to put a 32-vertex cylinder through a single face, those vertices all have to connect to something. The best results come when you have planned out your topology in such a way that the right vertices are already both present and in the right shape to match up well. But if you’ve gone to that much trouble already you might as well just model the hole yourself anyway. Add a cylinder with a reasonable number of vertices in edit mode, line it up where you want it, and retopo the connection to the other piece. Booleans are a shortcut for getting basic shapes in place, not a good tool for clean topology.

IMO the Boolean Modifier should be used only as a last resort. Please try out the projection knife! This is a much cleaner tool for what you are trying to do. It is view oriented so what you see is EXACTLY what you get. You are trying to cut a cylinder’s projection so I am assuming this is an elliptical hole, in the attached screenshot see the results of creating a circular ‘cutter’ mesh (you have to make it a face, although you don’t have to make it into quads because only the edge matters), positioning it precisely over the plane ‘target’ so you see the intended hole in your view (I recommend you switch to ortho view for this), selecting in this precise order - first the cutter, then the target, then enter edit mode and select all press knife project. This cuts a clean hole (it leaves Ngons of course but you can take care of those later - or not - depending on your workflow. This is much better than Boolean and importantly more predictable by a huge amount.

N.B. The screenshot is NOT taken from the view that the knife project was applied from! It was slightly rotated so you can see the hole. If I had not rotated it you understand the hole would have been EXACTLY covered by the circle mesh, right?

NVM now, managed to solve it an easier way by adding an extra, unconnected mesh part and deleting the the unneded existing faces.

The problem is that I wanted to cut a hole into a thick object and not a plane. Anyway, solved it already but I’ll store this for later. Ty.

The Knife project tool works just as well for ‘thick objects’. You just have to cut again for each layer. For this reason too if you want to cut solid objects you should start in ortho unless you want the cool effect of your hole getting bigger and bigger as it goes through each successive layer!

The example in the screenshot above is the hardest case scenario, where the shape has to wrap around, most other cases are easier. In cases like this you have to cut several times and delete the cut parts each time to eventually get there.
It’s easier to do this with the knife tool and the z (cut through) option but you have to hand trace the shape you want to cut.

I guess you should try the boolean and if that gives you bad geo then try the knife! I have had Boolean sometimes come up with very clean results so it’s not a hard and fast rule.

i did a quik tet yesterday night and wa able to do a ncie clean cut in a cube

see example here which renders well
but it does mean it has a nice topology!

happy blencdering