In Blender 2.5, I want to cut a hole in a curved surface. As shown in the attached, I want to basically project the circle onto the face of the cylinder.
“Snap to Face” or “Snap to Volume” seems like the right direction but I can’t get either of them to project the circle onto the cylinder. I’m just guessing here…
Can someone show me how to do this in Blender 2.5?
When i try to do this i use the boolean tool and then apply it to the mesh. The problem is that sometimes it’s neccessary to fix the original mesh as the vertex get messed up.
Hope this helps.
You could use a boolean operaton, just make a cylinder, place it so it cuts the circle in your other object then select your object and add a boolean modifier, hotkey ‘w’ does no longer work boolean is now a modifier. they are quite easy/self explanatory to use. post back if you have any problems.
There may be a way to do retopo type stuff using another modifier now im not sure.
hope that helps
happy blending
I’d just switch to top mode and move the vertices along the axis until they line up with the cylinder wall. Then it’s simply a matter fo deleting the old faces and filling the gaps with new ones. A bit labor-intensive, but it always works and you have pretty good control.
“Snap to Face” or “Snap to Volume” seems like the right direction but I can’t get either of them to project the circle onto the cylinder. I’m just guessing here…