Cut out face from imported svg


I got an svg like this:

I imported it via File → Import → svg which gives me 2 pathes: One is the outline and the other one is the “hole” in the middle of the circle:

I converted both to meshes via Object → Convert → Mesh. Now I want to fill the surface, so I’m going to Edit mode, Select all vertices with A and then pressing F to fill the surface:

So thats okay except that the “hole” in the middle should not be filled. How can I achieve this?

It depends on your goal.

Don’t convert to mesh. Join the two curve objects with Control + J.
In curve settings select 2D and set the Fill Mode to “Front”, “Both” or “Back”. Theoretically, the hole should now be there.

You will not get a nice mesh, but workable for certain usecases.
If you need a nice mesh, it’s probably easier to start from scratch and use the SVG as a reference.

Thanks, this worked fine!

The idea why I converted it to a mesh is that I want to extrude (z-axis) und bevel it. The problem here is that the faces which are generated seem to be kind of chaotic, I was expecting the faces to reach more from the out circle to the inner circle and not to much “horizontal”.

Are there other algorithms to use when converting to mesh? Or can I extrude the curve itself without converting it?

In a 2D vector program, the eye area is saved in an empty form and imported into a blender.
And you can use the Curve option.

Converting to mesh creates a lot of messy edges, and you need messy edge cleaning to avoid this.

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Maybe to make it even clearer:


Import the SVG…you get 2 Curves, Pick the Hole Curve, and shift-click the Head Curve… Enter Ctrl + J to join them…
In the Curve tab… Set it back to 2D and select Fill > Both…
Under the Geometry Tab, select Extrude and set to how thick you want…
Then under the Bevel select Profile and in the Presets select Support Loops…
You have what you wanted now…

Convert to Mesh if you want to do any more clean-up…

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Great, thanks a lot to all of you, very helpfull! Didn’t know it was possible to extrude and bevel a curve as well.

Just one last(? :wink: ) question:
When applying the bevel, the hole in the middle gets smaller and the outer dimensions of the whole object increase, like in this extreme example:

Is there a way to do the bevel, but keep the hole the same diameter and the outer dimensions the same?

Rounding the edges increases the volume.
In this case, you can use the Offset option to shrink it.

Thanks for your reply! I alwasy thought of “bevel” like a tool to take something away (like a carpenter planing off an edge of a batten).

Working with offset works to a certain point, but its soon getting messy on the tips of the object:

bevel-offset.blend (900.9 KB)

Cracking corners are always a problem.
To modify without using Offset, select the inner circle in edit mode and resize it.

Even in this case, if the bevel’s round size is large, the same problem occurs in the bent part.

※ Any number that exceeds the angle at which the round can be made will be overturned.

Thanks for your reply. There isn’t any tool which does bevel a bit better on narrow parts? Perhaps this might be a bit naiv, but instead of “cracking”/“overlapping” corners why couldn’t the corners just be taken away? There might be use cases where you need that, but in my case I would just to get rid of everything above the red line:



after ctr+b, press C to avoid the overlapping.
otherwise, just delete the part that you don’t want.

What you can do with a bevel is simple.
There is an option to prevent the problem shown in the image, but it may be a result that is different from the desired shape.

In order to create the shape you want, you have to learn how to model it.