Cute wren

Hey everyone!

A very quick project I worked on today. I wanted to change the profile picture I had on a social media, and since I’m trying to get started in 3D, I might as well do a 3D PP :slight_smile: So here’s my spirit animal, a half-cute, half-fierce wren.

I rendered it in Eevee. The bird is basic spheres with a wireframe modifier. For the volumetrics, I added a spherical gradient to the density of the cubes to get that bubbly look. I then tweaked few parameters in the compositor to get a more contrasted result. Oh, and there’s of course few particles, emitted from the volume of an invisible cube (= A cube with a principled volume set to zero for the density)

Hope you enjoy this little lad!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Oh thank you so much! :hugs:

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