
I drew some quick sketches for playing around with cutouts, but never really got anything to work. Since they are quite topical I thought I’d put them up here - if anyone else wants to use them, feel free.

They’re drawn in GIMP based on non-copyright photos, so should be OK to use anywhere, no credit required. The originals have transparent bg’s - I can supply those if wanted.

If you do use them, I’d love to see the results :slight_smile:


does that mean that you are releasing them into the public domain?

They look very nice, btw.

The Hillary photo is flattering and is gimped nicely. The Obama photo was gimped nicely too.

This must mean that you support Hillary. :eyebrowlift2:

Yes, they’re released into the public domain.

I was going to do more of a caricature but I stopped after Obama’s ears, that’s why Hilary’s more realistic.