Hey guys,
I’m very new to Blender, basiclly newbie in digital design overall.
I’m trying to sculpt and create cuts through hard edges, but I’m always left with some polygons that sticks out.
My goal is to make cuts like where the red circles.
I’m using the Draw Sharp brush, and almost always get’s this kind of problem at the bottom of the image.
Not sure what’s going on with your mesh. In the photo below I just subdivided a cube and used the draw sharp brush. Maybe your vertices are not joined together?
So I tried doing the exact same thing.
Created a Cube, added Bevel and Subdivide it, remesh to about 1m and took the Draw Sharp brush with the default settings.
Maybe I’m missing something with the settings?
I have no idea what’s wrong. Maybe make a video starting from the beginning of opening your file to this point. You added a bevel and remesh step to what I did so maybe that’s where the problem is