This is a kind of exploration project I was working from in and out in my spare time during the last few months. It started as a still image of a cyberpunkish japanese alley I was asked to do. I felt it had the potential to tell a bigger story, so I added the protagonist, the support characters and started to play around with Mixamo animations, trying to build a short clip with it. Obviously, this wasn’t the most effective path for developing a project, but I like how it ended. Now I’m planning to develop the character further more and create new clips in the same universe, being more conscious about it.
The environment was fully made in blender; the character was sculpted in zbrush, the retopology and UVs were made in Maya and was textured in Substance Painter. The final render was made in Cycles; it can be cleaner for sure, but I didn’t want to render for too long.
The sound design of the animation was made by my Studio partner, Mariano Santinelli.