Cyberpunk Girl WIP

Working on a stylized cyberpunk girl, roughly inspired by Ghost In The Shell (S.A.C.) and Psycho Pass.

Latest Update:


My plan is to do an overpaint to refine the concept and then work more on the details.

Edit: Is it still possible to link external images? The board says the image could not be loaded if I try that. :roll_eyes:


Added a holster for the gun and a scabbard for the sword. Also added them to the rig for posing, which worked surprisingly well. Will probably add some belt pouches and then start refining the design.


Started detailing the clothing, using a high resolution sculpting workflow, which thankfully is now an option in Blender. :slight_smile:


can I see wireframe of her head?

Sure. It’s all still WIP and subject to change, though. :slight_smile:


More detailing…

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Finished with the hires sculpting (for now). Started blocking in some textures, and probably I will start on the lowpoly soon as well. :slight_smile:



I’ve been working on the retopo over the last few weeks, probably around 80-90% done now, excluding props. I am seeing quads everywhere now. :smiley:

I probably went a bit overboard on the level of detail, but I did not set a polycount target initially and I guess ~30k is acceptable for a 3rd person game main character. The hair was really grueling to do and took forever, as it seems to be a mess of shapes intersecting randomly, but I hope it will be worth it in the end. :slight_smile:


I really love this. At first I wanted to say, girl of cyberpunk is Cirilla :smiley: but then I looked at her face and the verticles and its so beautiful. Hats off. I mean it.

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Thanks! :smile:

Worked on the materials and also applied the rig again for posing.

There was a weird bug where a large amount of vertices were not selectable anymore after entering and exiting weight paint mode, so I had to workaround by exporting to FBX and re-importing. Oh well, I suppose that’s what I get for using an unstable alpha version of Blender. :roll_eyes:

Here is my current material setup. Definitely needs some cleanup. :grin:


Hey there, do you mind if I ask how many lights you have in the scene as and what type they are?

Sure. I use a very simple setup with three area lights and an irradiance volume, like this. I basically have a main light, a fill light and a back light so the back side isn’t just dark.

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Thank you so much! Lighting is something I’m really struggling with right now.

Long time no update, but I finally cleaned up the material and implemented a layer system that lets me keep everything editable and non-destructive and easily bake out all of the maps for realtime use.

Then I did some testing in Unreal Engine. :slight_smile:

Next up animation, and I’m also planning on making a small level, so she does not have to stand around on a checkered plane in the black void. :smile: