Cyberpunk Style Animation Storyboard-"Simstem"

I’ve been planning on creating a series of cyberpunk animation for a while and have finally gotten around to arranging some assets into a storyboard for animation. So far I’ve got the first four major scene switches.


_setting up a cyberpunk dystopia where the all girl industrial group “Binary” plays an AR-“altered reality” performance for waiting fans. Benning the storyboarding process.

Glam shots for the all girl industrial goth band “Binary”. Binary is one of, if not the most popular “idol” bands in the future. Idol bands are synthetic human avatars who have dominated the entertainment industry. These avatars are perfect models of the state’s desired human behaviors. Vast teams of technicians are privileged with the opportunity to fine tune these models to the linking of various corporate interests…

A megacorporation by the name of “101” which owns the rights and data associated with the idol “Binary”, is on hand at a remote location in “Hive City”, one of many sponsurs of this massive mind control psiop which takes the form of a rock concert.

It is a distraction and a surprise announcement of the transfer of the rights to the idol to it’s new owner “Horizon” systems. All data will be transferred to their servers covertly only later to be made public.

There is the constructed reality of HIVE city, but there is also a #digitaltwin. Psiops is a new organization that uses metabots and drones to monitor subspace while protecting cloud data. Rarely are humans in the “loop” when it comes to data breach, most of the danger comes from actual attacks on the data centers themselves. These are seen as demonstrations against an unpopular corporate interests run by a network of autonomous and/or anonymous "[#AGI]


Interesting artstyle! Looks a little bit like photoscanning.

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