Hi, I’ve been trying to render a 700-frame animation with Cycles for a while now, but Blender closes completely after about 100 frames without any error message. The memory isn’t fully utilized, and neither is the CPU.

Current settings: Blender 3.6 and 4.1, Render using Cycles, CPU mode, 32 samples, OSL enabled.

My PC specs: Intel Core i9-14900K, 64GB G.Skill RAM running at 6400MHz, Asus Maximus Dark Hero Z790 motherboard, Asus RTX 4090 Matrix graphics card.

In the Crash File is the folowing error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

I have attached the crash log. Maybe someone has a solution?

Kumo Atack.crash.txt (67.2 KB)

From what I’ve just found on the internet, it could be almost anything. I found that people been facing that problem since 2016.

Take a look at this:

Maybe it would somehow take you on the right path.

This sounds like a bug. So the solution is to submit a bug report with file they can use to reproduce the issue.

Thank You :pray:

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I’m going to submit a bug report. Thank you

Here is the link to the submited issue:

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Did you check that the submitted file leads to the issue as well?
Just want to double check, because my computer just reached frame 230.

It’s also Windows 11, but I am using Blender 4.0.

Edit: I stopped it after roughly 400 frames. Will check in 4.1.
Edit2: Works for me with Blender 4.1 as well.

When you confirm that this file produces the issue, I will add my system specification to the bug report, which might help them to isolate the issue.

Yes thats the only file that i worke with and tried to render, thanks alot for your support :pray:

When I render that file, the character appears multiple times (overlapped) and is mostly unlit. If this file produces the issue as well, perfect, then I will post my findings.

Edit: This is frame 190:

Is this really representative of the file you are working with?

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It shoud look like that on frame 190

The clothes are an alembic export from Marvelous designer and the shader that i use ist the toonkit shader

All alembic stuff is missing. Only checked the terminal now which confirms it.

This might be alembic related. And if that is the case, the alembic files would also be needed.

Though there is also something wrong with some shaders (on my computer), so it might be an OSL issue too (issues with that in the terminal as well)…

Edit: You may try to deactivate the easy toon plugin and render like that. This will break the shaders, but you will know whether the issue is caused by OSL or alembic.

I aded the additional files to the submisson, the is to big, over 10gb, also the two addons toonkit 1.6 for Blender 3.6 and toonkit 1.7 for Blender 4.1

i deactiveted the toon shader and it was the same after 100 frames crash
GPU render works fine its only on CPU

Did you check that the issue occurs even without

It is very important to note in the bug report that GPU rendering works, only CPU fails.

Yes i did check it without, delete it complete from project and than try to render

I will check with the provided abc files.

It would be optimal if you created a new blend file, which does not require any addon and does not throw any error.
Also check whether both and is needed.

Bug reports should be as minimal as possible.

Edit: Also make sure that and are in the same folder as the blend file, to minimize the effort of the people who are reproducing the issue.

Edit2: Using those alembic files, I could reach frame 300 without issue and stopped it there.

You may try to render without any alembic file and check whether you still get the issue.

If this still leads to the issue, deactivate “Open Shading Language” to figure out whether this is causing issues. Deactivating the plugin may not have been sufficient.

i tried right now a new file with only the charcter animation without the alambic files, cycles cpu render, 32 samples, no denoising, osl enabled crash after 150 frames, osl diabled crash after around 100 frames

Edit: without toonkit shader and addons

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