Cycles Development Updates

The Cycles Bevel shader cannot be reliably baked to a normal map texture without artifacts.

Here is the link to the specific post in yesterdays thread where discussion about the artifacts in question began: Baking issues with the Bevel shader - #16 by mrgesy

Attaching an image of the artifacts in question here for clarity:

The primary issue which results in baking artifacts can be found in this specific reply here: Baking issues with the Bevel shader - #38 by realeyez

This has potential to be an invaluable and game changing workflow solution for high ā†’ low normal map baking, but it needs to be consistent.

I made a post on Devtalk. If anyone else could do some additional tests or post additional information in that thread, it would be massively appreciated. Iā€™d really love to get some visibility on this issue.