Cycles Development Updates

Theorically, if you use “correct” albedo values, the gi bleeding shouldn’t be so cartoony.

I hope too because it’s a tool that sometimes could save and solve some situation, avoiding to have bump/normal shading issues or go to sculpting.

Color bleeding is “just” diffuse reflection, not sure what could go wrong there?

My understanding is they wanted to production-prove Eevee specifically

Yea absolutely. I don’t work with normal maps a lot, but seeing the comparison shots convinced me

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One thing which does go wrong here is how the colors (of indirect lighting) shift progressively towards the notorious six (red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta) with every bounce, as a side-effect of rendering in RGB (rather than spectral).

E.g. start from RGB [255, 255, 8], suppose we loose 50% ‘light energy’ after each bounce, one bounce later its RGB [128, 128, 4], after two bounces RGB [64, 64, 2], after three bounces [16, 16, 0] and then the skewing starts.

greetings, Kologe


hm… does cycles really use 8bit color components? i thought it uses floats?

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Well that’s true, but 0 as integer and 0.0 as float doesn’t make a difference for the blue channel in above (somewhat contrieved) example.

greetings, Kologe

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0 =/= 0.00195

But your point does still stand, there is noticeable hue/saturation shifting at high bounce numbers.


Thanks for the info. Any chance Cycles can have spectral as an option that can be turned off and on?

Seems there was a spectral Cycles Branch?;

Integrating spectral rendering took some bigger architectural changes that the core devs were unwilling to support. The project is currently on hold. If you want to use the old builds you can play around with it, but spectral isn’t coming to the master branch any time in the foreseeable future.


there’s also an extensive devtalk thread about it


you can also try to tame excessive color bleeding in your shaders, it’s hacky AF, but it can help:


I see. Thanks for the info. Found this but its 3.5: Any chance there is a 4.0 build?

Yeah…and its really long. Can’t find the time to read through it. It would have been nice if the op placed a link to the latest spectral build in the first post so people can easily find it but I think the build is still wip so maybe that’s why.

Cool idea. Thanks a ton for sharing. :+1:

Afaik the short main purpose was to showcase the old guy beard (aka GN) and the potential of Eevee rendering


For the very few cases this applies to, we can do a trick in the problematic shader itself; if diffuse bounces see this material, replace the ray with a diffuse shader with a slightly less saturated version of the color. Or go completely wild and change the color completely.


Cool stuff… :ok_hand:


Should be in buildbot soon? nested dielectric was so needed. Another dumb question is this going to be in 4.1 or 4.2?

I would say 4.2, 4.1 is in Beta status - polishing what is already in. New features are added to 4.2 (which is Alpha).

All of these are very interesting, I look forward to them, especially nested dialectics, but they are all marked as “out-of-date with the base branch” so there is some catching up to do.

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It might take some time…
Those are just work in progress pull requests that will need to be reviewed and approved, so no ETA…
4.2 would be nice tho…


Dielectric priority is hugely important for solid product renders and of course other stuff. Love seeing those changes coming to Cycles. It’s getting so much better and closer to other production renderers it makes Cycles more and more attractive to me again.

Still there is a lot more to implement like fully featured adaptive render time adaptive subdivisions with camera culling option and also render time booleans.



I’ve always loved this in LuxCoreRender.

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Honesty, whenever you need to render anything where dielectrics are intersecting like liquid in a glass, bubbles in a liquid or liquid in a bottle ect. the ability to control its priority is a must. One of the reasons I can’t use Cycles right now. It just doesn’t give you the good enough result.

Once you can see the difference, it’s impossible to unsee it. When dielectric priority is in it’ll be a solid jump for Blender in terms of realism. Well, considering people will be setting up shaders properly :smiley: .

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