Cycles Development Updates

Awesome, thanks!

Any chance you could attempt to do some equal time renders?

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Here we go (I forgot to adjust the size of render time stamp):

Light Tree OFF - No Clamp - 500 Samples

Light Tree ON - No Clamp - 420 Samples


That’s noticeable, for sure. Thanks for running those tests!

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That’s a significant reduction in noise - great work.

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It’s because the devs don’t think artists are smart enough to use a 0-1 slider. If they ever do add it they will entirely break it’s current functionality by making it automatic which makes it basically useless.

It’s an artistic tool as well as an optimization. In production you should never really use 0 but if you are rendering cartoons or npr things 0 is almost entirely acceptable and will be so insanely fast and noise free in just a few samples

It can cut render times in half or more on GPU and reduce noise significantly. It’s obvious they don’t understand how important this feature is it’s honestly getting ridiculous how stupid they think the blender community is.

Sergey can add the most complex simplify ao option which Andrew price can’t even comprehend but Lukas can’t add a 0-1 slider to cut render times in half.

I suggest we all tell them to get over them selves and add it to master…

if you don’t get good results with it on guess what… You can turn it off. It’s our choice to use it. It’s not like it’s forced on us wtf

We use it every day in production. There hasn’t been a single render since it’s implementation in to our build that we haven’t used it

Also don’t forget to ask about dithered sobol :wink: all functional features we aren’t allowed to have in master for some silly reason. Doesn’t work as good as Arnold’s ? Cool but it works and it makes our renders cleaner. It’s something else we have used on every single render since it’s implementation


Sureeee. Man in The High Castle, Silicon Valley, The Mindey Project and many more production shots were rendered with scrambling around 0.1

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Do you have any evidence to back that up?

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Because I was the render TD for all those projects. I also made that video we are taking about. Which was entirely doable because simplify ao but scrambling is not at all useless in full gi scenes


So does that mean that scrambling is only usable with simplify AO, or will scrambling help also in scenes without added fake AO (simplify)?

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Scrambling works in every scenario not limited to simplify ao. The reason simplify ao was on is because I wanted to give a quick but totally reasonable final render in just a few samples

We used this in a few of our actual production shots on a music video that hasn’t been released yet getting sub 3 second frames


This sounds pretty production proven to me :slight_smile:
Come on, guys! Put it in master, maybe as an experimental option.


Oh yes, dithered sobol!
Did show obvious pattern with denoising on. But never mind that, was well usable without it. I too used those experimental versions in production. Without, i would have never finish quite a few projects in time. All this would be fine included under experimental option, since most of newbies don’t even bother to take a glance at the Blender manual… FFS!

What are dev. affraid of?

Dumb will do dumb things! It’s part of life - learning, evolving process. That’s why we 're here to help each other. Not to prevent experiments or worse, prohibit falling, but to persevere by showing mercy, offering help to stand up again and climbing to the top then flying or jumping down… landing softly or breaking bones it’s an amazing part of the experience. :wink:

I think i’m plain stupid-dumb because i don’t learn how to set env., troubleshoot & build own custom version.

But on the other hand, honestly, i’m tired of all this… been contemplating for a long time now…
i realized it’s better and cheaper for me to do my work best as i can and buy/subscribe to what i need to when i need it. And in the meantime live life, share my attention with loved ones that also care for me and my opinion. Respect.

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should we ask them politely to put scrambling distance under experimental option on dev talk ?


I think we should force them to put it in Blender.
I’ve used it myself and it made everything so much better.
It was especially cool in the viewport with the reduced noise, because you could get a feeling for what the scene would look like much faster.
And in the final renders the image would be much cleaner.
Who needs Lysol if you have scrambling distance?
I see no reason why they shouldn’t add it to master :man_shrugging:


one more voice for including it in blender.
granted, it doesnt work for all scenes but i had one scene where the use of the scrambling distance feature cut the render time down to 10% whitout any visible artefacts (crystal/glass reflection/refraction stuff). real timesaver!


Yes, scrambling distance would be very great to have.
Maybe a bit hidden somewhere or inside an optimization panel, where all the options that save rendertimes but can affect the render quality can be found. I don’t really see the point of not having it, maybe @brecht can explain why ? I don’t think it’s a matter of preventing people to have bad renders when not used correctly.


Can someone compile the scrambling distance Branch?
For Windows?


What is scrambling distance?

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(the patch is outdated, it does not work with the current master)

Here’s an up-to-date version of the patch:

But guys, please, calm down a bit. Me and the other Cycles devs aren’t complete idiots, if this patch was all happiness, sunshine and faster renderspeeds if would have been committed 2 years ago.

If you listen to anybody who really knows what they’re doing in terms of renderer development (for example at Siggraph just a week ago), you always hear the exact same thing: What a practical renderer needs is consistency and predictable and reliable results. This is why everybody moves to path tracing - you don’t need to tweak 100 different settings to make it work like you would need with stuff like irradiance caching, you just render until the noise is gone and that’s it.

And exactly there lies the problem with this patch - it completely breaks this fundamental property of path tracing. Every Cycles user is used to just rendering until the noise is gone because the underlying math guarantees that you’ll have the correct result then, but with scrambling distance < 1 that is no longer the case. Yes, the image will be noisefree - but you can also get that from Blender Internal or Eevee. The entire point of Cycles is to be a physically based renderer that gives you the right result.

The scrambling patch tricks you into thinking you have a clean image, but you don’t know for sure anymore - with a small scrambling distance, it is entirely possible that an entire room suddenly is 30% brighter because you moved a single lamp by one centimeter. Yes, seriously. Now imaging you’re rendering an animation with an animated lamp. This brings us back to the advantages of path tracing - you don’t get flickering, individual crappy frames in the middle of your animation or any of that stuff - if the render settings work for a few frames in the shot, they’ll work for all of it. Unless you reduce scrambling distance.

I hope this makes it a bit clearer why this patch is so problematic - it’s not just a neat trick like many other features, it completely sacrifices the design goals and fundamental advantages of a path tracer.

Also, just to make sure - yes, if you know what you’re doing, you can get good results with it (see e.g. everything Theory does). However, if you’re an artist hoping to use this feature, you’re not the one who has to handle the bug reports. Oh, and there will be bug reports - we had people reporting “bugs” because they mixed up left and right before and every few weeks there’s a bug that just says “it doesnt work” as the title and has the unmodified default template as the text. For another example, grab a few Cycles materials from Blendswap and check how many of them have two shader nodes plugged into a MixRGB node. The reality is that the people discussing experimental patches here are among the users with the most technical skills and many Cycles users just have no idea what it actually does under the hood. And that’s fine because, once again, you want to have a path tracing renderer so that they don’t have to.

And as a final note - please don’t turn this into another Lukas vs. the other devs thing, we had this a few years ago for D808 and even back then it was bullshit. Just to be completely clear, I 100% agree with the decision to not have this feature in official versions, not even as an experimental option.