Cycles -- Glass material invisible in shadows

At the point when the closed glass mesh comes out of the cylinder, glass shader stops reflecting anything. How to conquer this problem? I have the native Glass shader on.

The Blender file is here. Big big thank you for any ideas!

that’s normal behavior it’s not that the glass is not reflecting anything there. it is reflecting the outer cylinder which is pink too and gave you the illusion it’s not reflecting
so if you planning to have textures and different colors and stuff it will look normal there

if you goal is to keep those colors that reflection is still bugging you, you can cheat by separating the outer cylinder as a separate object. and disable it’s glossy contribution in it’s visibility options:


Oh that’s it, thank you so much, cgPixel! Somehow I was tricked by the reflection. The solution with the glossy uncheck works perfect for me!

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