Cycles Glossy Plastic Material?

Hey guys and gals,

Iv been working on creating some Beats by Dre headphones for a few days now and Im finally ready to start creating the materials. Im quite new to cycles and nodes in general, so forgive me if this is easy to do. How do i create a white glossy plastic material like the one in the picture

Iv tried using a mix shader with a white diffuse color and a white glossy with 0 roughness but it doesnt look like the picture :/. I also have a HDRI environment background in my scene.

Any and all help is appreciated :slight_smile:

P.S if someone could post a picture of a node setup for this material that would be awesome too!

Thanks RickyBlender :slight_smile: I was just coming to change the post to “solved” as I was able to figure it out about 10 minutes after posting, lol. I appreciate the quick reply though!

Happy Cycles!

@fpsgod17, would you be so nice to post here the nodes of your material?

Yes, can you please share the nodes, so that we can also benefit from it? It will be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

I was about to say the same thing last week. It’s very frustrating to find a thread marked as solved… but without answer. :no:

So, let’s add an answer.

I was interested by the slightly distorted reflections. Here is what I made:

It was hard to keep the surface smooth… but I found a way. :eyebrowlift: The trick was to apply a bump map but not on the final glossy coating.

To really close this thread, here is the blend file too:

Forum Plastic.blend (174 KB)

Enjoy! :smiley:

it would be nice to have different type of plastic
like some PVC greiysh not too much glossy
some hard plastic a bit bumpy

i mean there are different platic textures
migth be interesting to open a new thread only for platic textures

happy cycles

nice solution!! lots of plastics have that “gritty” look with a hard shiny surface and you have got it nailed great work

@ Kaluura
That looks 100 times better than what I was able to come up with xD. Thanks for posting the node setup and .blend as well! Very helpful. Next time I have an issue with cycles plastic materials Ill make sure to post the node setup If I come up with a solution :slight_smile:

Would you mind If I posted your node setup on BlendSwap to share with the community? Im sure people would be grateful and Ill make sure to credit you as well :wink:

I am going to post the finished headphone render later tonight or tomorrow so you can see the material on the finished model :yes:

EDIT: @ RickyBlender
That sounds like a great idea to me. We can make this one here the first one!

I was just thinking of posting my plastic on BlendSwap myself… It’s been a long time I haven’t swapped anything.

10 minutes and it will be there. CC0 of course. :wink:

EDIT: 10 minutes was more than optimistic. :smiley: Any way, it’s there and there’s even already an update (after a good night sleep).