I have been trying to create a cycles gold shader. I had seen lots of node sets, but I didn’t find one which satisfies me. I saw glossy mixtures like a poor shader.
Here is my solution. I have created a node set which provides three colors to the shader. Basically, I use fresnel facing to mix to colors, one in the center and one in the parallel reflections, and an another node using vectors geometry to simulate a kind of color shadow showed to backwards (sorry by my English).
This is the node configuration:
And this is one of the color and rough configurations:
I have created three kinds of gold, depending on my references: Egypt, Colombia and Jewelry. And these are the results, using HDRi and 200 passes:
Glossy Egypt Gold:
Glossy Colombia Gold:
Ultra Glossy Jewelry Gold:
I’m not sure which gold configuration is more realistic.
You can download these blender shaders and others (14 presets including ancient gold) at blendswap: http://www.blendswap.com/blends/materials/gold-cycles-shader/
Comments are welcome!