Cycles Grass Extreme DOF lit by Sun AddOn

Hello All,

Still playing around with Cycles. Here are a few images of a grass clump that I turned into cloth and is blown by the wind. This 420 sample scene is lit by the Cycles Sun AddOn. Extreme DOF on the camera is in use with high blade count. I animated the time of day as well.

Here is the video rendered @ 180 samples:


Beautiful! I really like the extreme dof and the mood, specially the last one, any chance to see them animated?

I have posted an animated video in the first link.

My desires has become true! Thats really beautiful, if the segments would be more tessellated could be just perfect. but thats for another time.

Very trippy - like swarming tentacles. I wonder if this techniques would work well for an octopus or squid animation :slight_smile:

My thought exactly… For a while there, I felt like I’d been roofied… ;D

Very cool, Atom. :smiley: