Cycles Ice Material

I am pretty new to Blender and I made this scene using cycles. I like it, but the the ice looks a little too shiny or something. I’m not sure how to fix it without making all the ice too dark. Any suggestions?

Whiskey and Dice.blend (2.87 MB)

Just realized how huge the dice are next to the glasses and ice, ha! That’s an easy fix, though.

can you post a screenshot of your ice node setup? it probably will be dialing down the amount of reflectivity and upping the amount of transparency.

Is this what you mean by ice node setup?

may I suggest … in Cycles… Glass Shader… with Beckman… 0.0 Roughness… IOR 1.35… Then connect a Noise Texture to displacement…

My guess is that your not using the Glass shader but the Glossy shader… but that’s just a guess… or if your using the Glass shader you’ve got the Roughness turned up way too high…

the only real difference between a Glass Cup and an Ice cube is the Texturing not the shader…

Nice work by the way … especailly for a beginner…

Oh wait you have a blend file posted…

Yah just add a noise texture to the displacement… that should do it…

in the Noise Texture … Scale+/- .5… Detail +/-4.00… Distortion… +/- 10.0

After messing with your file a bit more…
Add a Mix Shader between your Glass and Output node…
let the Glass Shader plug into the top Shader port…
add a transparent node and plug it into the bottom Shader port… (of the mix Shader node)
then add a Frensel Input and plug it into the Factor port… (of the mix Shader node)

This will up the transparency of the ice cube a bit…

Great work and definitely better than i could ever do but here is some constructive criticism… take it or leave it.

I think if you made the ice slightly more transparent and get rid of the silvery look and smooth out some of the bumps a bit more then it would be ok, and if it turns out to dark you could just turn up the emit a little bit.

also i feel that the melted ice / water should be separate and be much smoother and more transparent

here’s a node setup that worked for me…

Thanks. Yes, I agree. Thanks for the advice.

Good deal… Happy Blending as they say!

I think those tuts are great

can you show pic and final nodes set up for the ice !
