I’m diving head first into modelling and cycles texturing so I thought I’d start with the room I’m sitting in. Easy to get reference of how materials react when they’re right in front of you
Images below are with the light on inside, light off inside (just natural light from outside), and light off with glass in the window frame. The 2nd image is the most accurate from how I’ve observed the light in the room, but this has no glass in the window. Can anyone give some tips as to why adding a plane with glass shader wouldn’t transmit the light correctly?
He uses a trick that takes out the glass object for his lantern, when doing an initial render pass, and puts it in later using compositing. Maybe you can use the same trick? He mentions that its easier on your computer and produces better results when you make it as if the glass wasn’t there.
I strongly advise against using Andrew’s method. It removes the inner reflections on the glass. To show you what I mean, I made a simple test scene which I’ll include with an improved glass shader that I use.
Just glass, no tricks:
Andrew’s Method:
Nate’s Method:
It shouldn’t take an artist to notice the missing reflections in the glass. Not to mention that my trick is easier.
The more shaders you use the longer the material takes, why would you want to slow it down and make it less accurate? The glass cube is not just a cube, but a cube with thickness. What’s seen in my example and the standard glass is the correct result. Andrew simply did it wrong.
Thanks all How do you guys know so much about cycles material nodes?! I tried your method @natew and it looks like it’s working; light transmission is much better and while you can’t see it in this image it does reflect too. Haven’t looked at refraction yet.
So my question would be: why the need for hacks/tricks? I mean the built-in glass shader should respond like glass and transmit light as well as reflect/refract so why do we need custom node setups to make it work that way?