Cycles motion blur glitches

I rendered this scene with motion blur on cycles, and the body beneath the cloth is appearing at some of the frames.
Is there any solution to avoid this?

All I can say is that “I don’t see it.” Nothing about this video clip “draws my eye.” Therefore, it’s entirely up to you how much time you want to spend “fixing it.” I probably would “call it good” and move on.


The mask modifier is for exactly this issue. Add the areas under the clothing to a vertex group and use that group in the mask modifier. I think you need to click the little double arrow beside the group name entry box to reverse the selection…


I made less glitchy video following your solution, and it still has some weird artifact and clipping problem. But I think it’s better than the first post. Thank you for everybody who tried to help me!


That looks much better !

I wouldn’t be surprised if on production people do a fixing pass either by inserting shape keys, or even in compositing to fix remaining glitches.

Especially since the cloth sims react to physical laws and cartoon animation is just about making things overly exaggerated.

On many short films and TV series they avoid doing cloth sims because they cost a lot since they aren’t very predictable.

It’s even harder when you want to art direct it :smiley: since it can quickly draw a lot of attention you might want it in some places but not in another.

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OMG. I just disabled auto smooth settings of the objects in this scene, and then the every problems I was talking in here have instantly solved.