Cycles new microdisplacement testing, discussion and blend sharing

I don’t have osx, on win though I use git bash, with osx being unix may be natural cmd prompt to use blenders master repository and checkout the branch you want to build in this case…
git checkout temp-cycles-microdisplacement
to get back to trunk is…
git checkout master
to see all of the available branches…
git branch -a

maybe an osx builder can chime in on unix :stuck_out_tongue:
I know not, what I say (ô¿ô)

Just checked with the dev: microdisplace ( respective the catmull-clark ) is bound to OSD. So without opensubdiv there is no way to compile this branch. As OSX cannot use OSD yet ( core 3.2 oGL not ready ) there is no way for now. May come later.


I guessed this, many thanks for confirmation.

You might put a “on a stick” distro of linux and try to run it on your Mac; then you can boot linux install blender on the stick
your main os will not be changed (unless you go for it and install linux if you like that).

microdisp branch? os? viewport render works?

the mesh info pointiness is that suposed to work with this too ? (in the end)

also, i kinda wonder that head how do you get a high detail bump map that fits your geometry ?

pointiness works only for the base mesh (low base mesh -> poor result…) and the displacement map is generated in zbrush

lucy rendered with cycles :slight_smile:


WOW, that is some great new tool…!


stanford lucy turntable :slight_smile: (base mesh, subdiv, displacement)

C’mon guys, when will this be in the master build ? :stuck_out_tongue: Any news ?

One of the core aspects of the branch is now up for review (which means it should be in master within days if everything goes well).

Yes, that is the caching code designed to sharply reduce the amount of memory required to render a heavily subdivided mesh :slight_smile:

This would make me really happy :slight_smile: Thanks for the info!

Any plans on GPU support?

Great new feature! thanks to dev-s for this candy!

Yes, gpu is supported last i checked the branch, but only with full memory pretesselation. AFAIK the cache is only CPU, and like Brecht said it has some limitations on rendering.

I haven’t tested yet, but…
Here’s a test build of the patch = “arcpatch-D1962_Win7.x64-fdb8c55” Pulled it :stuck_out_tongue:
I’ll leave it up for a bit, should get into master after they complete review, testing, revisions, tweaking :stuck_out_tongue:


What are you having trouble with? Just apply the displacement map and set your dicing rate.

there you go YAFU! :slight_smile:

and never ever set the object dice rate to 0.1! (with a global rate of 1 and an object rate of 0.1 it means 100 polys per pixel!

microdisplace_fixed.blend (1.42 MB)


Thanks nudelZ!
I will experience about these nodes and how that Displace group works.

goethe render :slight_smile: model from here (reworked in zbrush)


:frowning: when will this be buildbot OSX build… whaaa whaaa… im crying… LOL :stuck_out_tongue: this week ? :stuck_out_tongue: Need this soooo badly… mama, need fresh displacement milk :smiley: LOL

ps: :frowning: i cant compile due to subd not being ready for osx, yes we are working exclusively on blender mac, i tested it on win, GREAT, but i want to shoot this baby in the production pipe for some shots :-)=

I still don’t have displace with Uv’s on the windows build from buildbot :frowning: