Cycles not rendering text

Hello there,

I’m trying to render with Cycles but some things just don’t render. It seems like it’s transparent. At first I thought it wasn’t rendering text, then I converted to mesh and still the same. I’ve already changed material/colors and nothing happened.

Welcome :tada:

hmm… very hard to tell. You might check/show your shader nodes/ material settings for this material… maybe simple setting temporarly to some simple material. Or share a blend file with at least this text object and maybe the blue thing (we do not need the whole file)…

(remember: the file limit is 5MB… so use the compress feature of blender)

I thought it was some config with the material, but then I used it in a balloon and it rendered pretty well

So… simply not enabled for render ??

I don’t know, It looks like it gerenrated an alpha clip (?)

You definitely got some weird thing there… even if applying a simple diffuse shader the text is transparent… ???

Addinf a new text with that diffuse works… i’m puzzled…

I got i … somehow you did enabled shadow catcher on your mutliple texts…


Yess. Thank you so much!

You are welcome.