Cycles_path_guiding tests

I made a proposal some time ago for that :


@AndreasResch can you check your scene with the current experimental build?

Unfortunately the scene seems to be incomplete and I could not replicate the crash.

Nice scene. Could you share it so that I can have a look at it?

pathguide.blend (3.0 MB)

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Could an add on be made that intelligently spawns and places light portals around the scene automatically?

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Hi @canerasln
If I compare no guiding with guiding, I can see a good improvement in the volume when guiding is turned on:

Or what do you expect from path guiding in that case?


oh, true. I thought color of spotlight on the ground should be altered more by the volume, but maybe that is not the case. Gpu render also behaves the same. Yes volume improves, less noise which is great. Thanks.

pg / 200 smaples

gpu no pg / 600 samples

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I’ve been testing a few demo scene renders with PG and MNE caustics on, and i have to say the CPU performance is looking really promising, as in when its all ported to the GPU it should really fly.

Zen 1 1700X processor. Render time 27 mins.
I turned on caustic shadows for every single light in the scene and turned on receive caustics for all main objects + water has cast & receive.
Render settings;
Noise threshold 0.0370
Samples 400
Path guiding with training samples set to 0(all).
max bounces 32.
diff =8
gloss =16
transmission =32
volume =32
transparent =32

clamping Direct light =0 indirect light =33
filter glossy 1.00 - reflective + refractive caustics
use spatial splits on. Compositing as is but i excluded the noise texture overlay.

I dont see a need to turn down the light bounces, or clamping as it seems the more light that is thrown around the scene the quicker it can reach the noise threshold because everything is better lit.

PG & MNEE off

Like Ace said its not all fully working together yet, and AI denoise is doing a lot of work here so it covers up the difference.


What does the scene look like without PG and MNEE - would be nice to see a comparison of the difference these new functions make.

Looks nice, though I do recall the devs. have not yet established full compatibility between Path Guiding and MNEE (as this is an actual todo item in the task entry which has not been ticked).

Scenes with MNEE can have guided paths that help with caustics, but your mileage will vary at the moment.

Path-guiding makes it possible to see dispersion in fog. This is the result of 4096 samples, when path-guiding supports GPU in the future, I can sample this project 40,000 times or more.


Please - give me the scene for this ( I love Pink Floyd, and have only been able to fake this).

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I’m sorry I can’t share my shaders with you, but having two shaders works just as well. Both shaders obey physics to some extent, but may behave slightly differently than my shader.
JC fancy glass:

CG Vertex shader:

By the way, blender is better at calculating larger light sources


cannot wait for the equivalent in the spectral branch
This looks great!

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Check out this thread - I posted similar solutions to the one presented in the youtube video a few years back.

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some random stress test, with a few objects with shadow caustics, 1000 samples, 500 training samples. 40 minutes. Will do a non-pg test when i have time.

edit: no pg version with shadow caustics


PG / Shadow Caustics On / 500 samples

PG / Shadow Caustics Off / 500 samples

No PG / Shadow Caustics On / 500 samples

No PG / Shadow Caustics Off / 500 samples


İf devs can manage to combine shadow caustics with PG on GPU, cycles will rock.


Hi, nice to see your discussion, your solution for dispersion is also great.

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A small update:
Path Guiding sampling 4700 times, 3 hours:

Luxcore, 2.5 min, Bidirectional Path Tracing:

Luxcore, 2 min, Path Tracing +Light Tracing: