Cycles renders grey screen?

Hey gang,

Back with another issue question and as the title says, that’s it.

Every time I have a problem, I assume it’s a setting that I’ve messed up somehow. I’m still very new to blender but I feel like I have a grasp of what most of the basic settings should be, and I try to comb over them as thoroughly as possible before creating a new post. As well, I search the hell out of the internet and here for troubleshooting. I found multiple solutions for the “grey render” issue, but none of them applied to me…so with that, I come to yous.

Here are some screen shots and Dounut2.blend (585 KB) to have a look at my settings.

Changed nothing except switch to Cycles…

So, Blender Render seems to work fine…Cycles doesn’t.

I haven’t had this issue until just now. I did however download 2.79 right before this new project.

I have checked:
object visibility
object render ability
camera clipping
scene/render layer

Hoping its a setting and not my comp melting.

Thanks again!

UPDATE - Solved:

Found that I had F-stop turned on but no focus point selected!!

I guess it was still turned on from when I did the Light bulb tutorial…hah

Interestingly enough, Render mode works with f-stop and no focus object, full render does not.

Thanks @Kampus for returning to post your solution. I was tearing my hair out with the exact issue - rendered 3D view worked, but a full render was all grey.

I had this same effect but a different cause. Apparently each camera has it’s own clipping distances separate from the main view clipping distance. Select the camera, then under camera properties find the Lens drop down, then “clip start” and “End”. Make sure the End clipping is set high enough for your scene.