Cycles vs Octane speed comparison

I think it’s already there in 2.79: Updating Lights | Importance map. You can reduce it’s calculation time if you set the sampling from auto to manual. Then you must to find a low value which has no negative effect on the render. Note that with the reduced size the noise increases. Details:

For some reason Octane calculates everything at once and no matter what I change there is no recalculation. I hope Cycles will know this once.

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Thanks that was it ! and does it mean that all my hdri rendered in 2.79 where reduced to 1k resolution ? :o

Just curious whether you’ve considered/tried using Eevee as your preview render?

if the question is toward me, i can’t use eevee to preview my render, i’m familiar with real time workflow and eevee slow me down because i need to set up many settings and it misses some feature ( light nodes, displacement etc ) i found the cycles ipr pretty neat for previewing ( and i work on a laptop with a 960m ), i’ll work with eevee when switching between the two engine will have more or less similar results, right know i can have very different results by switching…

Anyway, this topic is for octane :slight_smile:

Hi @alksndr, and sorry fot the late answer. Yes my idea would have been to buy Octane for Blender because I don’t want to learn a whole new software right now, but at this point your info are very precious. If you say it’s not worth it I’ll just go with E-Cycles. I just bought a 2080Ti and paired it with E-Cycles could help me reach the photorealism that I’m aiming at and overcome the noisyness of cycles.

Thank you!