CYCLES X not utilizing GPU if CPU is also enabled for rendering

Before raising a bug report I want to make sure this is not by design and maybe there is just another step to deal with.

I am using Blender 3.0 stable, RTX 3090, Dec 22 studio drivers 472.84. Intel 7700k

Basically, long story short, if I use GPU rendering, so in preferences set to CUDA or OPTIX, if I have both the GPU and CPU enabled then when rendering on GPU compute I will see my GPU usage go up for just a short half second blip and then goes back down to 0-1% and only renders on the CPU. If I uncheck the CPU in CUDA or OPTIX then GPU usage remains at 100% and I render just shy of 30 times faster, but I would still like my CPU to work if at all possible.

Before I go around reporting this as a bug, I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue, and if there is any special steps required to make this work that are perhaps by design.

Do not happen to me in Optix in 5800H+RTX3060, but GPU+CPU is slower than just GPU. Same drivers as you.

Interesting. Well it’s certainly working as is. Once I know how to make both work I will do a side by side test. It is weird because in some scenes both work and in others they don’t. Been a blender user for close to 14 years now, maybe longer, so I have covered all the obvious things it could be, but besides the obvious, I know a few things have changed in 3.0 so I am not sure if anything that has changed could be whats causing this and I am just inadvertently checking on a feature that is currently CPU only or something like that…