Cyclops - personal work

I made this during the lockdown. had a lot of fun working on it…my plan is to print it later. let me know what you think :slight_smile:!
I used Arnold for rendering and did another rendering using Blender (Cycles). so far I am happy with Arnold speed but Blender viewport has more power…i.e. I can work on the lighting in Blender much easier in comparison to Max viewport, Physical Material in Max has more advanced options in comparison to Blender principle shader but I could get the same result in Blender as well…


Great job! That will look so cool printed! :+1:

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Thanks :slight_smile: I hope so

Fantastic texturing! May I ask about your workflow? How do you go about texturing something like this? Are the textures completely hand painted + cavity maps etc. or do you use a combination of image textures and hand painted textures and did you use any external tools for texturing (for example substance painter?)

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks a lot Bart, this is awesome!

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