I’m trying to get a beach ball like texture.
I made a Cylindrical coordinate system and plugged it into the wave texture, but there’s a seam where φ=360° meets φ=0°.
Easy fix: plug a color mix node after noise texture subtracting .5 gray from it. This moves the noise in the -0.5/+0.5 range. You may also place a map range node to be more elegant.
Noise texture should be pretty even on all the surface given it is driven by an even texture coordinate, and it is in 3D mode (dropdow menu.) You could preview it, just the noise, and see if it is the case.
Also, you may try to add, and not mix the two textures
It’s possible to make 2D repeat over one seam by expanding into 3D. And it’s possible to make 2D repeat over two seams by expanding into 4D. Generators with 4D input can be used for this trick; voronoi, noise, and musgrave. Wave texture generator was always problematic to predict for me.
In this case though, the coordinates will meet at at poles as a singularity. The prerequisite is that the UV space has to be filled for using 4D, and one direction has to be filled for using 3D.
I’m not sure why you’re making such a complicated setup, but maybe there’s some other purpose behind this that you haven’t told us. Fortunately it looks to me like the problem is in your noise setup; if I replicate only that I also get this non-even distribution.
I had this on hand from another exercise, which works fine to create an “evenly” distorted beach ball-like texture, maybe you can derive your solution from it. Its easily simplified if you don’t want any flexibility about amount of distortion, number of stripes, thickness, etc: