
made in blender 2.68…hope you like it

Hi. The modeling is nice, texturing is great as the lighting, overall you did a really nice render. But I’m not a fan of the concept of the robot. Maybe a perspective shot would be nice.

Thanks for looking at my work

Give us some more views please. Just for 3D Perspective of that thing

Thank you

Great render. I’d love to see it in some environment with HDR lighting. I bet it would look even better. My only critique is the DoF - such shallow depth of field makes it look like a miniature.

It looks nice but it’s hard to see how big it is,the D9 mech in the movie is allot more ‘beefier’

It’s good modeling. I would like to see different angles. SOmething is not quite right, but at that angle we cannot tell what.

I do agree that it needs to be “beefier”

gracias por mirar mi trabajo