Dad Rex

Hi Guys,

My new character sculpt Dad Rex, based on great concept of Aleksey Baydakov.

Rendered using Cycles at 6k samples
Thanks! :heartpulse:

My Artstation:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

He’s so cuuuute!
You totally missed the chance to call this work “fossil fueled” or so. maybe it’s better this way lol!
He looks like he is soooo late for the extinction event, and this burns so deep :stuck_out_tongue:
Did you make the shiny sparkles in blender compositor or in 2d imgsoftware? so sparrrrkly :smiley:


Thank you! :heartpulse: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Sparkles were added in Ps

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Ironically his arms can reach the steering wheel lol and the car could carry his huge weight :rofl::rofl::rofl:

really fun!!

Amazing piece! Looks like a mix of the dad in the Korean cartoon “Dooley” (아기공룡 둘리) and Dooley (a green dinosaur).